Spark plugs! One side differently colored?


XS400 Addict
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Was doing my usually check up and maintence stuff and pulled the plugs for the first time since I had about 30 miles on them. The bike runs fine, idles ok, doesn't backfire or misfire, but I was kind of confused about the plugs.

One each plug one side is darker than the other and noticably so. A reddish black color. Pictures below... I've googled around a bit and most people seem to say its "normal" and its caused by the exhaust spending more time on that side of the plug as it exits the head..

Anyone got opinions? Oh! Bike stuff: No oil loss(I take pictures of the oil levels and compare them.. it literally never changes), no issues with it, just the coloring of it worries me.

You can view the images here:

Hope that link works...
Look fine to me, its just where the gas is hitting the plug from the intake and is a little richer than the other side. Your good dive the f**k out of it:thumbsup:
More a case of 'guy who got new job and relies on bike for 40 miles round trip to keep said job.' :p

Thanks everybody! Can't be too careful.

IF it were me I would richen the side where the red plug came from by a half a turn.The color is also a sign of it running hotter than it should,your plugs and ceramic around them should be tanish brown.