81 XS400SH Cafe

I forgot to mention that when the tubing is squished flat the sides start to tear. It is not that noticable when polished but it is the one thing I couldn't fix.
Finally I cut and rounded the ends of all the brackets. Replaced all the nuts and bolts with polished stainless steel and final polished the brackets and spacers.

These brackets are very strong and lightweight. The bolts weigh more than the brackets do.
The only thing I am not sure about is how they will stand up to vibration. When I am up an running I will have to keep an eye out for stress cracks.

Now if you don't want to go through the hassle of bending you could try building them like this.

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thoses look good installed XST and what's more importantly, you made them!

it all makes the bike ownership more special.