Carbs Leaking Like Crazy


1982 XS400
Reaction score
Michigan, US
It's the luck of working. A few weeks ago I took off all the panels to be spray painted, never touched the carbs (in fact I drained them) and now when everything is put together, the carbs are leaking out of every orifice. Not sure what to do, my petcock was also leaking no matter what, even turned off (with the engine running). Knocking on the float bowls didn't help like it did last time.

Going to take em apart tomorrow and figure out the problem. Anybody got tips for me? Thanks.
By draining your carbs, everything has dried out, the float needles have stuck in the wide open positions! The only way to cure it is to dismantle the carbs, and free then manually!

Unlike the first time, these were a bitch to get off, and still somehow full of fuel. Time to clean them out, I'll let you guys know if I need new gaskets or if it's the float bowl issue.
With the carbs off, I reseated the float bowl seaters. No leak anymore, but now I can't get the bike to run for more than 5 seconds, stays below 1k rpm, choke on. :thumbsdown: :umm:

Got it to run for about 5 mins. Only ran using choke at 1k rpm. Any attempt to increase throttle stalled, and struggled to start again. Carbs are completely cleaned, only started after I adjusted the float bowl pin.

I've completely rebuilt the carbs, oem jets are in, I will take apart the carbs tomorrow again and see if anything got clogged due to seafoam. Wish me luck.
Did you REALLY CLEAN everything, looks like something is clogging still, did you check the diaphragms for tears or pin holes, did you change out the throttle rod Seals? Take out all jets and clean every passage...then reset the air/fuel mixture screw?...
Did you REALLY CLEAN everything, looks like something is clogging still, did you check the diaphragms for tears or pin holes, did you change out the throttle rod Seals? Take out all jets and clean every passage...then reset the air/fuel mixture screw?...

I will talk apart the carbs again and see if anything is clogging. I bought a rebuild kit online awhile ago and it was still packaged airtight, but I will check again.