This is Our Governments plan ...
Well, you can't blame your poor government, can you?
It is living beyond its means and has a lot of fixed costs which it believes it cannot reduce because its boss won't stand for it. So, just like one of us would have to do if our family were going bankrupt, your government either has to get another job to provide a second income, or ask the boss for a raise.
Now, your government isn't stupid. It looked around and discovered that taxing sin is a winner. People grumble a bit if their booze or their smokes cost more, but they grudgingly go along because in the back of their minds they are ashamed of themselves and know that it they sinned less, they could save money.
But before tobacco and booze became sinful, they first had to be demonized. And, in the 20th century, they were:
"Demon Rum" and the
"Demon Weed"
and after that?
$ Ka-Ching, Ka-ching
So, what is your government to do now, in the 21st century? Before it can tax plant food (
CO2), it will have to demonize it. That process is well underway and, if successful, we will have a new sin tax (romantically dubbed a
"carbon tax"). Once it's properly demonized, the debate will shift. No one will question the "value" of a sin tax and the only debate will be over how big it should be. Mission accomplished!