XS400 Enthusiast
Howdy all, and a happy Easter to everyone !
Went to an autojumble just down the road today (1/2 mile away !!!), and picked up a few nice bits for the bike ... got an Haynes manual and some 8" ape bars for 12 bucks ... I fitted the bars straight away and I have to say they are much more comfortable on the bike. I'm 5'8" and average build but I found the buckhorns made my wrists ache as they forced me angle my hands. I'm also not used used to having my grips so low. This means that I felt myself feeling pushed off the bike at high speed. The apes have fixed that completely, they look great, they suit the bike and because they're slightly wider and higher I feel way more control above 60mph ... really really recommend them
Went to an autojumble just down the road today (1/2 mile away !!!), and picked up a few nice bits for the bike ... got an Haynes manual and some 8" ape bars for 12 bucks ... I fitted the bars straight away and I have to say they are much more comfortable on the bike. I'm 5'8" and average build but I found the buckhorns made my wrists ache as they forced me angle my hands. I'm also not used used to having my grips so low. This means that I felt myself feeling pushed off the bike at high speed. The apes have fixed that completely, they look great, they suit the bike and because they're slightly wider and higher I feel way more control above 60mph ... really really recommend them