XS400 New Member
Hey guys, my name is Adam and I'm currently in Green Bay, WI. I just purchased a 1980 Yamaha XS400 Special earlier this week for $400. The PO was doing what looks like a rat/bob on it already, which is fine, because I plan to finish bobbing it anyways. She has drag bars, aftermarket pipes, rear shocks have been replaced with rigid pieces (not in a true hardtail fashion), rear fender removed, tail light relocated, license plate relocated to axle mount and no rear blinkers (currently). Got all the stock parts with the bike as well. She runs and rides fine, sounds pretty mean already, but she's a little dirty currently and has a dent in the right side of the tank. Here's a pic from when I bought her earlier this week.

As well, I own a 1972 Yamaha DS7 250 2-stroke, only produced for the one year as the precursor to the Yamaha RD series motorcycles. Picked her up over 10 years ago and she's been a project for awhile. Cleaned the carbs, replaced the points, replaced and re-gapped the plugs, modified the exhaust a little to make it flow a little better (as suggested by multiple DS7 owners) and she was up and riding. Little did I know in my 16 year old stupidity back then that the tank was rusted out because the bike had been sitting in a shed for 13 years with no stabilizer prior to me purchasing it. So she fouled out the whole system again rather quickly before I ever figured out the problem. She's been stripped to frame/motor/trans for a couple years now in prep for a café build that I've never gotten around to. I may continue with the café build eventually or do a restoration on her, still not 100% either way. Actually just picked up a tank re-lining kit today for her. Don't have a pic of her before I tore her down sadly, but I think I'll be putting her back together shortly, then I'll get a pic up.
Plus, I have a 1981 Honda GL1100 Goldwing Interstate. Picked it up at the end of this past summer for cheap because the bodywork was completely shot on it. PO did a rattle-can paint job where all the lines were crooked and it was just sad. The top of the bags were cracked, a lock was missing, the bags weren't secured properly because bolts were missing, the whole front fairing was cracked on the inside plastic and had been "repaired" with what looked like bathroom caulk. Visually, just an absolute disaster of a bike. However, she only has 24XXXmi and runs perfectly, in fact I rode her home from the seller's city 45min away right after buying it, no issues. She has all of the fairings, bags, tank shroud, side covers, fenders and the seat stripped off her right now. Tank shroud, side covers and fenders are being sanded and painted once the weather warms back up enough to paint, as it's been in the negative temperatures here lately. Proposed plan is a rat/bobber look to the bike, possibly ape hangers, either a solo or a single tracker type seat, clean up the wiring I don't need that went to the front fairing, new headlight bucket, new taillight, new turn signals and a bit of a chop on the rear fender to look clean, since the stock fender goes almost to the ground. I'll get pics once I get further into the build and I'll link to the Honda forum I'll be chronicling on in my sig (once I get to that point) for anyone that would want to follow.
Then, I have a 1974 Yamaha RD60, 55cc 2-stroke. It's just a fun little bike overall that's almost more of a moped than a motorcycle. Picked her up this past summer for cheap cause I like the way she looks. Was planning to use it to teach my girlfriend the basics of riding a motorcycle but she somehow managed to fail her motorcycle temps test as a grown adult who's been driving for years (that one still puzzles me). Will probably leave her as a stock bike, she's 100% stock now and the only thing broken on her is that I lost the entire electrical system, which doesn't effect basic riding being a kickstart only, but I have no brake light, head light or turn signals. It's not the battery, already checked, so it's more than likely the small solenoid under the tank that she runs through. I found a "new" one with all of the wires for under $30 bucks, I just forgot to pick it up when I found it online. Someday...

Lastly, I have a 2004 Honda VFR800 Interceptor sport touring bike. She's my daily rider when the WI weather doesn't suck and an overall fun toy. Has the V4 Honda V-tec motor (the one from their old accords, civics and preludes essentially) which makes her a little bit fat at a few pounds shy of 500, but has enough power to compensate. She's all stock minus a Delkevic exhaust and fender eliminator kit. Before season this year she'll get a new World Sports Performance Touring Seat, cause long trips on her can definitely get a little uncomfortable on the stock seat.
Before the new exhaust

After the new exhaust

That's all from me! Once I start diving in to the bob on the XS, I'll post up a thread in the garage. Thanks!

As well, I own a 1972 Yamaha DS7 250 2-stroke, only produced for the one year as the precursor to the Yamaha RD series motorcycles. Picked her up over 10 years ago and she's been a project for awhile. Cleaned the carbs, replaced the points, replaced and re-gapped the plugs, modified the exhaust a little to make it flow a little better (as suggested by multiple DS7 owners) and she was up and riding. Little did I know in my 16 year old stupidity back then that the tank was rusted out because the bike had been sitting in a shed for 13 years with no stabilizer prior to me purchasing it. So she fouled out the whole system again rather quickly before I ever figured out the problem. She's been stripped to frame/motor/trans for a couple years now in prep for a café build that I've never gotten around to. I may continue with the café build eventually or do a restoration on her, still not 100% either way. Actually just picked up a tank re-lining kit today for her. Don't have a pic of her before I tore her down sadly, but I think I'll be putting her back together shortly, then I'll get a pic up.
Plus, I have a 1981 Honda GL1100 Goldwing Interstate. Picked it up at the end of this past summer for cheap because the bodywork was completely shot on it. PO did a rattle-can paint job where all the lines were crooked and it was just sad. The top of the bags were cracked, a lock was missing, the bags weren't secured properly because bolts were missing, the whole front fairing was cracked on the inside plastic and had been "repaired" with what looked like bathroom caulk. Visually, just an absolute disaster of a bike. However, she only has 24XXXmi and runs perfectly, in fact I rode her home from the seller's city 45min away right after buying it, no issues. She has all of the fairings, bags, tank shroud, side covers, fenders and the seat stripped off her right now. Tank shroud, side covers and fenders are being sanded and painted once the weather warms back up enough to paint, as it's been in the negative temperatures here lately. Proposed plan is a rat/bobber look to the bike, possibly ape hangers, either a solo or a single tracker type seat, clean up the wiring I don't need that went to the front fairing, new headlight bucket, new taillight, new turn signals and a bit of a chop on the rear fender to look clean, since the stock fender goes almost to the ground. I'll get pics once I get further into the build and I'll link to the Honda forum I'll be chronicling on in my sig (once I get to that point) for anyone that would want to follow.
Then, I have a 1974 Yamaha RD60, 55cc 2-stroke. It's just a fun little bike overall that's almost more of a moped than a motorcycle. Picked her up this past summer for cheap cause I like the way she looks. Was planning to use it to teach my girlfriend the basics of riding a motorcycle but she somehow managed to fail her motorcycle temps test as a grown adult who's been driving for years (that one still puzzles me). Will probably leave her as a stock bike, she's 100% stock now and the only thing broken on her is that I lost the entire electrical system, which doesn't effect basic riding being a kickstart only, but I have no brake light, head light or turn signals. It's not the battery, already checked, so it's more than likely the small solenoid under the tank that she runs through. I found a "new" one with all of the wires for under $30 bucks, I just forgot to pick it up when I found it online. Someday...

Lastly, I have a 2004 Honda VFR800 Interceptor sport touring bike. She's my daily rider when the WI weather doesn't suck and an overall fun toy. Has the V4 Honda V-tec motor (the one from their old accords, civics and preludes essentially) which makes her a little bit fat at a few pounds shy of 500, but has enough power to compensate. She's all stock minus a Delkevic exhaust and fender eliminator kit. Before season this year she'll get a new World Sports Performance Touring Seat, cause long trips on her can definitely get a little uncomfortable on the stock seat.
Before the new exhaust

After the new exhaust

That's all from me! Once I start diving in to the bob on the XS, I'll post up a thread in the garage. Thanks!