Winter Weather thread

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Port Huron,Michigan
So most of us in the north country have experienced a wild cold and snowy winter,how much snow have you had so far and how deep is it now?
Now for the cold without windchills and with wind chills how cold has it been where you live.
Here in Port Huron Michigan we have had 4ft of snow this winter with our coldest temp being -12*.We have had approximately 3 weeks where high temps have been under 20* and week of-0* morning lows with another week expected.Tuesday and Wednesday could bring us the coldest weather yet of the season.With expected lows from -5* --12*.
As I stated on my sig line Im definitely sick of winter,not so much the snow although Im tired of shoveling cause our plower doesn't no how to do a decent job,its more the cold that's been bothersome cause its kept indoors more than I would like to be.Im suffering cabin fever extremely bad and if I can pull it off Im going to retreat south where its warmer this next month for few weeks.The only hurdle I have to overcome is coming up with a pet sitter for my 3 cats.
Here in northern WI, tomorrow is a high of - 12 with windchill of - 30, it's been well bellow freezing for over a month, so cold this is the third day my kids school is closed!
Ya you guys got it good over there. This side of the state we have had over 80", hell ive got 3' level snow right now with drifts damn near up to the shop roof.
Wind chill has been 10-30 below for the past 2 weeks other than a couple warmer days.
My day job is all outside work to. Put in 10 hours in this shit then come and do a couple more blowing snow every night. Weather has been killing my beer drinking shop time.
Today we posted a record low of -10* and I had to get out early this am for doc appointment at 8am.It was still -7* when I started my truck.I didn't think it was going to but after 5 very slow cranks varoom it started.I let it warm up for 15 minutes and by the time I got to the doc 4 miles away I hardly felt any heat coming through vents.Good news is that we may see high temps above freezing by the weekend:thumbsup:
It was around -14°F in A2 this morning, but up to about -8°F when I headed in to work. It's so cold in the D.
lol Faze, I am right across in Windsor so we have the same weather you guys get.. and yep, i agree.. its so cold in the D.
It was soo cold this am my eyebrows and mustache had ice just from scraping ice off my truck windshield.Its been a long while since us northerners have experienced a cold January like this one but its not the coldest I can remember in recent times.If we don't break freezing by the end of the week it will have been 5-6 weeks since its been 32* colder.Ice on Lake st clair is 2ft thick:yikes:
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So its warmed a tad temp wise but the dam windchills are horrendous.Our high temps have jumped into the 20,s and our lows in the +10`s but the dam wind has been blustery 20-30mph:yikes:
A couple of days ago a pipe burst under the kitchen sink dumping about a 100 gallons of water before I could find the shutoff valve to the water heater.Ju
st my luck the pipe burst above the shut off valve under the sink.All our rugs and kitchen floor was soaked.Who knows where all the water went that ran down below the wall under the sink?:shrug:Hopefully outside somewhere not under the foundation.Our foundation already has some serious cracks in it and had made cracks all the down the wall especialy in the bathroom.
A little while back i read an article that was saying the earths temp fluctuates at an 11 year period. Getting hotter to a peak and then colder to a peak, long story short - a couple years ago we past over the neutral point where the hotter peak returned to neutral and Cold peak hadn't started yet. From that point (I think last year it was) temps will be getting lower...

This paper said that anyone 22 years old or younger has never experienced a colder then average winter, since we have been on that hot peak... Going forward we will be experiencing much more colder than averages climates for roughly the next 22 years until we pass the neutral point again..

Not sure the validity of this, but it seems like its lining up with whats happening now as well as with all the whining thats going around the last couple years with people complaining that 'we dont get as much snow as we did when i was a kid!"... well now we will.. lol
I believe theres a lot validity to this theory.I remember one of the coldest winters on record back in 78-79.Although this winter has been cold the winter of the late 70`s would put this winter as warm by comparison.I also remember the south having their hottest and driest summers ever.
In 2002 our winter here in the great lakes was even colder than this winter by comparison.Where I live we 2 mornings that were -20+ and I had to walk to work.I remember my eyebrows,mustache freezing and glad it was only a mile.My car wouldn't start so I was on foot for a while that winter.Here in Port Huron its not been our snowiest winter although we have some 32 inches so far this winter.Our average is 14 so were definitely above average.We`re supposed to be in for another shoveling size snow storm Saturday.Its been so cold the St Clair river froze over whichI have never seen happen in the 14 years I have lived here.
We've had 37" of snow in Ann Arbor (on average, I think I've seen more), and it has been ridiculously cold. I don't have a (useful) heater in my garage, so there is no opportunity to even turn a wrench. Kind of a bummer. I for one am looking forward to spring.
Im in the same phase nonheated garage with plenty of work to do but so cold you cant turn a wrench or any other metal.
my jimmy projecvt has been sitting idle since sometime in December,spring cant come soon enough.Unfortunately despite what the groundhog may say we`re still for another 6 more weeks of that cold word.
ah yes cycles within cycles... Try this one

basically the amount of warmth that reaches the earth changes periodically (at 26k, 41k, 100k and 400k years) because the shape of the earth's orbit around the sun changes, the tilt of the polar axis becomes more and less steep and the poles 'wander'. I've done some work on this in my studies (earth sciences). Similarly, you have all kinds of cycles on all timescales

the hard thing about climate, temperatures, the greenhouse effect and weather changing is that there are a thousand factors acting at once and you can't determine which one is responsible for the weather that you observe.

For example, if you cut down rainforests and create more deserts, the sun's rays will actually be reflected because sand reflects more sunlight away from the earth than dark green trees do. But then there are more clouds over rainforests, which reflect even more sunlight than desert sands (since they're nice and white). On the other hand, clouds keep the warmth trapped in the atmosphere so they make earth warmer. In the end it seems that deserts make the world colder. But nowadays the earth seems to be getting warmer despite us creating more deserts.

There have also been studies investigating stuff like solar flares, they apparently have a huge effect on climate. But since nobody knows how that actually works, people blame co2 emissions for any changes in climate. I personally don't think we need to stop producing CO2. Nature has always found its course, and it will always continue to do so.
The green house gas expurts have blamed man for producing co2 at an alarming rate but what about all the volcanos that have erupted lately. they spew tons of co2 and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere but yet nobody mentiones the affect they are having on our climate.I don't believe man is totally responcible for climate shift/change. willem you are also correct about the earth wobbling on its axis,a buddy back in the 80`s mentioned this too me.The giant earth quake in New Zealand a while back caused the earth axis to shift .2 * and who knows about what the one in Japan did it, was never mentioned.Also if the the ice sheets are melting at the alarming rate the scientist say this will also have an affect on the north alantic current eventualy causing a mini ice age.So basically in the end global warming will actualy cause the earth to get colder creating another ice age!
I have also been studying a lot computer models which she the rain of the grain belt moving further northward into Canada and southern US becomes drier and warmer.ITS all pretty scary if you ask me:yikes:
One good thing after 6 weeks of subfreezing weather we will break freezing for the 1st time today.Its actualy 32* as I typing this and theres little wind to boot.
So winter drags on with more snow possibly 3-5 inches of snow today and tonight highs near freezing.Then another possible big snow storm Tuesday and after that the bottom falls out.Everyone I have talked to is sick of looking at the white stuff.No January thaw this year.:mad:
So winter is still here ,more snow,more -0`s but behold theres maybe a light at the end of this white tunnel we all been stuck in.Im hearing rumors of a thaw in about a week and half.When I say thaw highs in the 40`s and moisture will fall wont all be white.Theres rumor of another 4 letter word ,RAIN just as long as it isn't a whole bunch Im ok with that.Then maybe I can do some maintanance on my truck this winter has been rough on it.The only bad thing about a thaw is chug holes they will filling the roads like craters on the moon.:yikes:
... The only bad thing about a thaw is chug holes they will filling the roads like craters on the moon.:yikes:
Well, if we are lucky, there will be some nice weather before they overfill the craters, and we'll be able to enjoy a few spring-time activities first ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
Ha Ha that's funny.On the nes last night in southfield a western suburb of Detroit they show one road that so bad drivers could only go 10-15mph.Good nes is Michigan is getting more federal funds to fix our roads this year.The one stretch of raod they showed was messed from the get go,something about not having enough oxygen in concrete when they made the road.Its been crumbling apart ever since.Now heres something that's kinda stupid Mc Comb count a eastern suburb of Detroit they are telling drivers to call 911 to report serious chug holes that are damaging to cars.:wtf:
Well I haven't posted on this thread in a while but nothing much has changed.Its march and in the northern states winter drags on kinda like the dog days of summer.This is what Im calling the dog days of winter lol.Im sick and tired of hearing phrases like very cold ,chance of snow ,near record or record low temps.I think we have had something like 80 inches of snow and around 20 days of -0* morning lows 2 of which were -18*Newberry Mi in the UP hit -41* one of those mornings.Looking ahead the remainder of the month shows much below average temps and precept.:banghead: