So most of us in the north country have experienced a wild cold and snowy winter,how much snow have you had so far and how deep is it now?
Now for the cold without windchills and with wind chills how cold has it been where you live.
Here in Port Huron Michigan we have had 4ft of snow this winter with our coldest temp being -12*.We have had approximately 3 weeks where high temps have been under 20* and week of-0* morning lows with another week expected.Tuesday and Wednesday could bring us the coldest weather yet of the season.With expected lows from -5* --12*.
As I stated on my sig line Im definitely sick of winter,not so much the snow although Im tired of shoveling cause our plower doesn't no how to do a decent job,its more the cold that's been bothersome cause its kept indoors more than I would like to be.Im suffering cabin fever extremely bad and if I can pull it off Im going to retreat south where its warmer this next month for few weeks.The only hurdle I have to overcome is coming up with a pet sitter for my 3 cats.
Now for the cold without windchills and with wind chills how cold has it been where you live.
Here in Port Huron Michigan we have had 4ft of snow this winter with our coldest temp being -12*.We have had approximately 3 weeks where high temps have been under 20* and week of-0* morning lows with another week expected.Tuesday and Wednesday could bring us the coldest weather yet of the season.With expected lows from -5* --12*.
As I stated on my sig line Im definitely sick of winter,not so much the snow although Im tired of shoveling cause our plower doesn't no how to do a decent job,its more the cold that's been bothersome cause its kept indoors more than I would like to be.Im suffering cabin fever extremely bad and if I can pull it off Im going to retreat south where its warmer this next month for few weeks.The only hurdle I have to overcome is coming up with a pet sitter for my 3 cats.