Winter Weather thread

So, Michigan is in fact to blame. It has lots of not-so-great-lakes that can't hold their water and it escapes and forms rain clouds.

I blame Detroit. Constant rain is a major component in the auto industry's planned obsolesce programmes.
Hey Lou dont blame us these storm complex`s form over Minnosota or Wisconsin and then move east over us and then across the lakes into Ontario.The rains is good though my garden likes it.Also its neighbors fault he has 5 cars and trucks and hes out there washing them every other day.I tell him stop cause everytime he does this its rains the next day or two.Now the weather expurts who come out with these long range forecast say an elnino is forming and this will bring the great lakes regions a wetter and mild summer.I can live with rain as long as its in moderation but I wish Mother Nature would help the parched state of California.the mild part i like cause with all the work I need to do its makes it easier on me to get it done.:D
Those lakes must be leaking water vapour into the air again,we`re getting more rain and its move over to Lou Rangers territory:laugh:
Lou look at this it will get you excited:devil:


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Well we can blame mi this time over 7 inches of rain in back yard Detrooit and suburbs.@ major freeways are underwater up to 6ft deep which are major comuting routes.The junction of I-696 and I-75 sumurged making it impassible for motorist to get through.Several other areas are underwater and many basements have flooded in many peoples homes.To help matter get better ha ha (sarcasm)Another storm complex is developing across the state again today.
Well ealier in the year I posted this,it has been 100% correct!

So I seen our summer outlook today "Cooler than average" over the great lakes and ohio valley and up the east coast..This probably means were going to have wet summer also.which speaking of rain it needs to dry out around here Weve had 3-5 inches of wet over the last week
Sheesh though when they say wetter than average who would have know we we get 4-7 inchers of rain in august.Things are a mess in the Detroit area right now some underpasses had up to 14ft of water and most of the infrastructure is going to need rebuilt.:yikes:
Lou I will blame Elnino for this one.:laugh:
The expurts are saying that a moderate elnino is forming and this will be the affect on the nations precip pattern.
I also seen a wooly worm catipeller today and its coloring was slight more black than orange.Not sure if theres any truth to the coloring of them meaning what impact on predicting weather they have but Im guessing not as as cold as last year.


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Raining again today courtesy of CANADA,A front from the north moving through some unstable air in the atmosphere and moving across the entire state of Michigan and province of Ontario.
Thank you mother nature I cant remove rust in the rain:banghead: