OK, So I usually dont start a thread like this until I am about finished and can upload everything at once instead of bits and pieces and months in between. Ive been in and out of a few threads here and I thought I would share some more my own progress.
Backstory: A buddy of mine and I were tossing the idea of getting some motorcycles to ride around with for fun. We are both "car guys" so we were always talking about our cars and bikes and what are plans/ideas were. I wanted something cheaper, simpler, and something that was a bit of a fixer upper so I can get it at a good deal. Its amazing what some people will sell as "junk" when all it may need is coils.
I came across a pretty clean 76 XS360C on CL a young guy was selling. It was 99% complete and the engine was stuck.. I rolled the dice and bought it. The main thing that drew me to the bike was the gas tank. It was so nice and clean I needed to have it.
Well, I could not get the engine to free up no matter what I tried. I soaked the cylinders in a whole mix of solvents to get no results. I couldn't tell if the bike was just stored for 25 years with no spark plugs or it was seized.
I went in head first and started taking things apart..
As you can see, I could not get the pistons out of the jug, I had to break the cam chain to seperate the engine

This is about when I started getting ideas! Notice the drummer seat I used..

Fast forward 1 whole year and 2 apartments later and I have this. I had to buy a used jug and have it bored and honed. NOS 1st oversize pistons and rings, new wrist pins and gaskets, new conrod bolts, new cam chain. Also had to buy a used oil filter housing and headers..



Quick video, very proud moment lol to hear it start after looking at this thing for so long in boxes and pieces
Well thats about it for now, Im just gathering parts over the winter and plan to have it ready to ride by next spring... So I may not have any real updates for a while lol. But I will be sticking around here for now since this site has been so helpful and still have a long way to go. Thanks for looking!
Oh, I will say that the gas tank will be untouched and left as it is.. I love the coloring and styling of it. It has that 70s flare I love. I will also try to stay as close to the time period in the build as I can. Nothing fancy, just a minimal simple ride.
Backstory: A buddy of mine and I were tossing the idea of getting some motorcycles to ride around with for fun. We are both "car guys" so we were always talking about our cars and bikes and what are plans/ideas were. I wanted something cheaper, simpler, and something that was a bit of a fixer upper so I can get it at a good deal. Its amazing what some people will sell as "junk" when all it may need is coils.
I came across a pretty clean 76 XS360C on CL a young guy was selling. It was 99% complete and the engine was stuck.. I rolled the dice and bought it. The main thing that drew me to the bike was the gas tank. It was so nice and clean I needed to have it.
Well, I could not get the engine to free up no matter what I tried. I soaked the cylinders in a whole mix of solvents to get no results. I couldn't tell if the bike was just stored for 25 years with no spark plugs or it was seized.
I went in head first and started taking things apart..
As you can see, I could not get the pistons out of the jug, I had to break the cam chain to seperate the engine

This is about when I started getting ideas! Notice the drummer seat I used..

Fast forward 1 whole year and 2 apartments later and I have this. I had to buy a used jug and have it bored and honed. NOS 1st oversize pistons and rings, new wrist pins and gaskets, new conrod bolts, new cam chain. Also had to buy a used oil filter housing and headers..



Quick video, very proud moment lol to hear it start after looking at this thing for so long in boxes and pieces
Well thats about it for now, Im just gathering parts over the winter and plan to have it ready to ride by next spring... So I may not have any real updates for a while lol. But I will be sticking around here for now since this site has been so helpful and still have a long way to go. Thanks for looking!
Oh, I will say that the gas tank will be untouched and left as it is.. I love the coloring and styling of it. It has that 70s flare I love. I will also try to stay as close to the time period in the build as I can. Nothing fancy, just a minimal simple ride.