No Start - Seems like it should..


XS400 Member
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United States
This is getting frustrating - it seems like the thing should just start and run with no issues.
It's an '82 Maxim 400, so a DOHC - I bought it with issues, if you wanna read those, they're in my last few posts. Basically, I've put in new shims so all of the valve clearances are between .1 and .15 mm, as per spec, replaced the spark plug boots, confirmed that both plugs are getting spark, rebuilt the carb, which involved putting in the right main jets, needle jets, setting the float heights and doing a few thorough cleanings, and I just corrected the cam timing today, making sure the dots on top of the ends of the cams line up with the arrow when the "T" lines up with its line. It started and ran before, it just wouldn't rev, ran rich, and had bad revhang - so compression isn't an issue (to my knowledge). Now it doesn't even start - what should I look for first?
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If you haven't, do a check of the pick-up coils for the ignition. At 68F, they should be 120 ohms +/- 10%. Next, I would put a timing light on the left cylinder and check that the LF timing mark appears through the left-hand cover window with the strobe light as you crank the engine.

You have touched/adjusted quite a lot of things here and that may be complicating things at this point. However, there are only so many variables, and eventually, you will find the issue.
If you haven't, do a check of the pick-up coils for the ignition. At 68F, they should be 120 ohms +/- 10%. Next, I would put a timing light on the left cylinder and check that the LF timing mark appears through the left-hand cover window with the strobe light as you crank the engine.

You have touched/adjusted quite a lot of things here and that may be complicating things at this point. However, there are only so many variables, and eventually, you will find the issue.
Thanks for the advice - I've been trying to avoid this situation by only touching one thing at a time, but things kept not improving. I don't own a strobe, but I do have a simple timing probe. This is my first real project, so I'm learning as I go. I'll give this a shot and see what I find !