Need to find out what this handlebar part is called and where I can buy one


XS400 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Spearfish, South Dakota
I noticed that my handlebars aren't exactly in-line with the front wheel. They lean slightly to the left. So upon further inspection I noticed that the rubber on the left side below the clamps that hold the handlebars themselves seemed to be misaligned to the hole.

I tried loosening it up and moving it a bit to get the handlebars aligned, but I had to push pretty hard to get it to the correct position and hold it as I tightened the bolt underneath again. Unfortunately, as I tightened it, it seemed to slide right back down to the place it was before. I suspect that it was just sliding back into the spot where it's "memory" is at this point due to warping of the rubber inside. So I looked through the manual and found what I think is the part I would need to replace to get it aligned properly, but the manual doesn't have any name for the part listed... so... anyone know what this part is called and where I can buy a couple of them?


Of course if you don't think that part is the issue and there is something I'm just not understanding here, by all means, please tell me. I haven't owned it long and I still have a lot to learn about it. :)
Thanks for the information! Out of curiosity, where did you get the information for what that was called and what the part number was?

OKAY how about answering a question with a question? Where did you get the parts break down you posted?
Actually I have the 1980 XS400 SG (Special). But I found it on that site and already found a bunch of the parts that I plan on replacing on it. I just search for the part numbers when I find the part from more local sites. :)
Did you find out what this is called? Funny enough i am in exactly the same boat. Trying to go from clip ons back to the original spec bars. I did a bit of searching and think they may be bar clamp bushings but would be great to know for sure

