Skillzmans XS 400 Cafe build...yep another cafe!!

great tank, love the knee dents.. I picked up a 750 tank as I like the looks of it but need to grind off the cups on the tank and weld on the studs to it will fit the 400 frame. Has anybody used sportster shocks, I'm trying for an inexpensive cafe bike and dont want to drop the monehy for new progressives.
I have seen alot of 400's that run Sportster shocks, so I know it can be done. I have also seen many others that run Honda Rebel shocks, so that may be another avenue for you to look into.
painted the frame and swingarm and forks today...tommorrow I will start putting it back together.





yeah...I like to build some suspense into my stuff....kinda like the trailer for next weeks tv shows!!LOL
Apparently I must REALLY like building suspense, since I haven't done any work on mine to update my thread in like a month....haha I've been so busy with work, and the weather has been horrible!
:thumbsup:Really love this color!!
Think I'll give the frame of my next project also a color instead of basic powdercoat black.
man that color is sharp. it just pops. and my theread has been silent except for some stuff i bout but havent mocked up yet. lol LOTS of building suspense on that one.
So shot out of gun and not rattle can?

yes sir...HVLP gravity feed....most of my paint is leftover from previous car paint jobs...I had some left from my Caprice build a few years back....but the selection is getting played out...third time I've painted something the same scheme...its kinda like writers block!!HAHA!