The pain of waiting for parts


XS400 True Believer
Reaction score
Johnson City, NY
I have parts ordered that I need before starting reassembly and the wait is killing me. The longer I wait the more ideas I come up with to modify the build. I have cleaned parts and measured and re-measured everything. I have put parts on and taken parts off. I have price researched every additional piece I need. I am so attached to this forum as a library of reference. I am currently a performing musician but that is sort of on a summer hiatus and my guitars aren't relaxing me either- I will think of something in the middle of a song and dash off to research and write it down.
So, I was just wondering what the rest of you do with yourself while waiting for the parts delivery guy to get there? Help a new guy out would ya?
I feel your pain :laugh2: I keep checking tracking on a seat and its sitting at Fed Ex 20 mins from me but says no delivery till

Hang in there they will show up soon enough........just don't change your mind wile waiting for them.......