What operating system are you using on your computer?

That's it. You can buy a case special fit for it for a few bucks. You can hook up peripherals that plug into the ports provided. There are also a few peripheral boards available, generally for speciality purposes. You wind up with an ARM based PC about the size of a pack of playing cards.
Get yourself a Raspberry Pi and install rasPBX
no offence you guys can keep this Raspi things.I read up on them a little bit today.In a way the concept of these seem simple and it would take a while getting use on how to set them up and learn how to use them.One thing I didnt notice any keyboard or mouse ports.I did notice a sata connector which Im sure what its for?There also seems to be alot of versitility with these computers but Im sticking with desk or lap top machines that either run windows or linux os.I would have no problem switching to Mac pc if i could afford one.I have a question for you guiys that use raspi computers ?How did you find out about this new technology?
There are cases specifically made for the Pi available for a few bucks. If running linux you can attach any supported peripherals (just about anything) to the common interfaces (USB, HDMI, SD, ethernet). There are people using it as a low cost personal PC. Others use is a a low cost, low power, low profile home server.
Keyboard/mouse ports are via USB. Monitor is via HDMI. There is no SATA connector, it probably the I2C connector you are looking at. They run Linux but not Windows. However, in general there is no real need to have a monitor or keyboard or mouse as you can simply shell into the device from your desktop (unless you are actually planning to use it as your desktop). Rasberry Pi are not really that new, they've been available since around 2012. They have been all over many of the websites catering to those of us who are technology and/or Linux affectionados. Part of the attraction is building something inobtrusive, cheap, and modestly powerful with your own hands and mind and getting it to do what YOU want it to do without being limited by the intentions of MicroSoft or some other overbearing corporation.