And can use gasket maker on the immobile part of an oil seal, but assembly lube whenever a rotating part or moving part touches the seal...if not you run the risk of burning the seal and then you get an oil leak...
I used permatex black on both engines and it works great
If you bought the gasket set from BC it has the valve cover gasket...DO NOT stick it in permatex as you may have to open the valve cover again for timing/valve clearances or anything else (shit happens)and it would ruin the gasket.
If your timing is off (which was my case) the valves (whichever ones...) are opened when they should be closing and they are contacting the piston when it is up in the cylinder.
I has misaligned the timing marks,but even when aligned...just putting the cam chain tensionner would put it off a tad so I had to inch my way towards perfect timing.
But then again I have a DOHC so that make for two cams to time at once...
Whatever you do...DO NOT try to strong-arm it into could ruin valves...
Take the valve cover off...try and rotate the crank and have a look at the timing marks.
Now that I think back on my procedural steps, I'm not 100% sure I lined up the horizontal timing marks on the cam sprocket. I guess today I will be removing the valve cover to check.How did you line up the timing in the first place?