engine won't shut off with ignition turned off


XS400 New Member
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joplin, mo
'78 bobber, minimal wiring. When i go to shut off the bike, it just keeps running. The headlight starts to flicker, like it wants to die, but won't. i have to kill it with the 'chokes', or stall it. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
did the ignition kill the engine before and now it just stopped working? ... does the actual kill switch also not work?

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I am betting on In-complete circuit. An old lawn mower will have a sparkplug tap, to shut it down. Our bikes like to use the key or on/off/off device.

Might have to revisit the chalkboard for this one. Its running, just not killing the way we want it to. cleanly. Thank you psuedo monkey for colorizing my diagram, I just went to the Tech section, went to wire diagrams, and a 2 part diagram I put up here, was converted into a wonderful one page diagram, with color. By looking at that I was able to piece together ...
http://www.xs400.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4466&page=3 it took me three pages,

The line from the fuse, to the kill switch, to the coils. So the kill connection needs to be on that line.
OK here's my guess your ignition switch is hooked to your battery but your charging system is linked in to your main electrical and doesn't go through the switch so your points still get power when your key is off. lights dim and flicker and you probably don't have a lot of power but it keeps running.
there is no kill switch, and when you pull the main fuse, it still runs. so the points are definitely getting power with the key off
I haven't got into the wiring on mine yet but you shouldn't need a kill switch you need to disconnect the charging system from the points what wiring diagram did you use or did you figure it out on your own?
Under our Tech section, we have wire diagrams, I just inspected Ksqrly, and Wallsters, They both have submitted minimum designs, and both include a kill switch on the line that sends power to the coils. http://www.xs400.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4466, here is the shortcut. What is neat about submitting designs, is the critique-ing that goes on after wards, its there for us to embrace as we go forward. Which could help the next generation of hackers.
That will get it to stop running but won't fix the wrong wiring. Your battery and alternator are the sources of power. They should be shut off from the rest of the bike with the main switch off. A fuse between the power sources and the main switch is a good idea too.
It is a ggod idea to have the engine stop switch close to the throttle grip, within easy reach of your thumb. It's always a good idea to stop the engine with the engine stop switch, then turn the main switch off. A very good habit to learn.
Also having the engine stop switch near to hand comes in handy during an emergency.
That will get it to stop running but won't fix the wrong wiring. Your battery and alternator are the sources of power. They should be shut off from the rest of the bike with the main switch off. A fuse between the power sources and the main switch is a good idea too.
It is a ggod idea to have the engine stop switch close to the throttle grip, within easy reach of your thumb. It's always a good idea to stop the engine with the engine stop switch, then turn the main switch off. A very good habit to learn.
Also having the engine stop switch near to hand comes in handy during an emergency.

A kill switch at the grip is a GOOD idea but not your problem look closer at your wiring I've been thinking about this (its a puzzle and I'm a little obsessive compulsive) :doh: :shrug: is your charging system hooked to your lights and inadvertently your lights and your ignition on the same circuit? You may be getting back feed through your lights which are powering your coils. This could be happening at the key switch if the lights and ignition are on the same lug:shrug:worth a look. If not start at your coils they will go to your points or ignition and then to your key switch if your lights and accessories also run through your key you need a three or four lug key switch. Your ignition should be alone on one lug!!! Your lights and extras on the acys lug and the battery on the third. And of course the starter relay on its lug if you are using it there. Wow its almost 2:30 I'm going to bed now gotta be up at 6 hope this helps let us know if you figure it out or just kill switch it good luck