Xs400 SE plain bearing


XS400 Member
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Hi all

I have just dissembled my XS400 SE -82 and are about to replace the con rod plain bearing. The crank case say 4 4 4 and the crank shaft 1 2. From what I understand I should then get one set of black and one set of brown bearings (4-1=3 4-2=3). But installed I have one set of black and one set of green!

I decided to go for the same color code as original installed but somehow I mixed up the part numbers and recieved one set of blue and one set of brown!:banghead:

So now I have three opportunities as I see it

1. Reorder as my original thought
2. Order a set of black bearings so it matched the numbers since I have a new set of brown.
3. Install the bearings I recieved.

Any suggestions?
Im getting confused. I decided to send them back but when investigating the partnumbers Im not so sure Im wrong anyway.

The FJ1200 also uses these partnumbers but with the color codes: pink, blue, black, brown.

Might It be like this
FJ1200 blue = XS400 black
FJ1200 brown = XS400 green

I got 36Y-11656-10 (blue) and 36Y-11656-30 (brown)

You need to have the two digit code from the crank, and the single digit from each connecting rod. Left is subtracted from left and right from right. The result determines the color: 1:Blue, 2:Black, 3:Brown, 4:Green.

The three digit code is for the mains.

Then the original color code matches the digits.

5-1=4 (green) and 4-2=2 (black)

But shouldnt 36Y-11656-10 be black and 36Y-11656-30 be green?
You need to have the two digit code from the crank, and the single digit from each connecting rod. Left is subtracted from left and right from right. The result determines the color: 1:Blue, 2:Black, 3:Brown, 4:Green.

The three digit code is for the mains.View attachment 27358
Hi Ian

where is the single digit from each connecting rod located exactly on the con rod ?
The digit is on the flat machined side of the connecting rod right above where it mates with the cap. Mine were worn and hard to read.
Thanks IanW I dont think its machined it looks like some kindof etching like a burn of electrostatic process but definitely not machined or punched in